I've been keeping a list of funny things the kids have said lately . . . they may not be funny to anyone but us, but I want to make sure I get them recorded.
Will has some sayings that he hears us say, and he uses them frequently, but not correctly:
"In this world"--this refers to wherever we are at the time, the house, the car, the yard, etc. For example, there are two dogs in this world (at the park).
"In the morning"--Usually used in connection with something he wants to do at any future time, not necessarily in the morning. For example, he wants to go on an airplane in the morning.
"That doesn't make sense"--Will uses this at random, but never when something doesn't actually make sense. It is quite ironic.
"Whoopsie-doden"--I have no idea where this came from (does anyone know? it might be in a video somewhere), but he says it all the time. It's his version of oops.
Will also sings constantly. He can turn any thought he has into a song. Recently overheard from the backseat of the van: "Spud is a scarecrow. Let's all sing about it! Scarecrow, scarecrow, scarecrow . . ."
Usually Will's singing is pretty adorable. There are times, however, that it is a little inconvenient. A few weeks ago, we went for a family interview at the school where Christopher will attend kindergarten in the fall. I got Will situated in a far corner of the room while Noel, Christopher and I sat at a table with the headmaster. The headmaster opened our meeting with prayer, and I thought about telling Will to pray with us, but he was so far away, I didn't take the time to tell him to be quiet. Well, we had been working on potty training, and we have a potty song that I made up back when Christopher was potty training. I'm sure you all see where this is going . . . yep, while the headmaster was praying, Will was singing about being clean and dry and going on the potty. Thankfully, the school let us in despite the potty song and Christopher's burping during the interview. It's always an adventure!
A couple of weeks ago, we went out to lunch after church with some friends. Christopher and his good friend Emory were sitting next together and perfectly modelled typical male-female interactions throughout lunch. For example, Emory would be chatting away, pouring her heart out to Christopher, and she would be lucky to get a "mmm-hmm" out of Christopher every 5 minutes or so. At one point, Emory looked up and noticed the lights hanging from the restaurant's ceiling. She oohed and aahed and said in a wistful voice, "those look just like stars!" Christopher replied matter-of-factly, "they're lightbulbs."