On September 20, we had the privilege of baptizing Sarah Kate. We were so happy to have all four grandparents there, along with Aunt Laura, Uncle Garland, Aunt Amanda and Uncle Brian. As we stood with the kids for the baptism, the boys did a good job of following my strict instructions not to goof off and to listen to Pastor Chris. Christopher did some gentle prodding of Will to keep his head turned the way Christopher thought it should be, and they even held hands for part of the time. (I was one relieved mama!) And Sarah Kate did a great job of not screaming when water was dumped on her head, although she did burp at one point, just like Will did during his baptism. Following the baptism, my Dad sang "In Christ Alone," accompanied by Mom on the piano.
Sarah Kate looked beautiful wearing a very special dress . . . the dress that my Mom made for me when I was baptized. Here's a picture of me, 10 months old, in my baptism dress:

It is our prayer that Sarah Kate will fulfill the vows we made as her parents by placing her faith in Christ as her Lord and Savior. We do not believe that baptism saves her--it is an expression of her place in the covenant family as a child of believers, her need for the cleansing blood of Christ, and our intention to teach her about Christ and God's Word. We are so thankful to have a wonderful church family to support us in this endeavor!
Here are some photos from her special day:

With Pastor Chris: