Monday, March 21, 2011

Christopher's 7th Birthday!

Christopher turned 7 on February 18.  His Nana took brownies to school the day before, and on his birthday he went to lunch with Will and Nana and Granddad.  That afternoon, he had cupcakes with several friends at a friend's house.  Then for dinner, he went with Daddy, his siblings and Grandma to Catfish Hole.  He loves it that they play a happy birthday song and bring you a whole plate of tootsie roll pops!  Afterwards he had cake and opened presents at Grandma and Grandpa's house.  It was a full day of celebrating!

A week later, on the 26th, we had his official birthday party at Mad Pizza.  They have a party loft upstairs and make a huge party pizza!  Many of Christopher's friends joined us for pizza, cake and some games in the arcade room.  It was a blast!  Here's some photos:


Thursday, March 3, 2011

Sarah Kate--22 months

This has been a big month for Sarah Kate!  She got her first haircut and did a great job being still.  I shouldn't have been surprised.  One thing that amazes me about her is that she loves for me to clip her fingernails.  When the boys were this age, it was such a chore.  But I pull out the clippers and she'll hold out her fingers for me, one by one.  Why shouldn't a princess enjoy a little pampering from time to time?

Sarah Kate also loves to clean and pick things up.  After meals, she will pick up food off the floor and put it in the trash.  In fact, sometimes she gets a little too eager and we find "trash" in the trash can that's not really trash!  Last week, she found a stray crayon on the floor and went and got the crayon box from the coloring table and brought them both to me so I could put it away.

Sarah Kate's language has really taken off this month.  She is saying lots of animal names (my favorite is fuff-fuff-fly), foods (gookie!), and what every girl with two older brothers needs in her vocabulary:  "Hey!  Stop it!"

We discovered a couple of weeks ago that Sarah Kate can identify several numbers.  After reading a numbers book, she pointed to a three on the cover and said "three!"  So I asked her the other numbers from 1-10, and she knew most of them.  Such a smart girl!  She also loves to sit at the coloring table and scribble.  I think she feels like a big girl sitting there like her brothers do.

Here are some photos Noel captured at dinner (looks like dessert!) a couple of weeks ago: