Thursday, April 16, 2009

Potty Training, Rescue Jet and other happenings

Yes, I realize I have been a terrible blogger lately. Blame it on the end of a pregancy if you'd like, complicated by the fact that I spend most of the day asking Will if he needs to go potty and taking him to the potty. (Because unlike his older brother, who always insists he doesn't need to go when he does, Will says he needs to go potty about three times more than he actually needs to go.)

This has been attempt #2 on the potty training. After Will lost interest during attempt #1, I waited until he asked to wear underwear before trying again. And he has done great! He is super at going #1 in the potty, and we're still working on #2. He also has issues going on potties everywhere other than home. He's managed to go at school the last two weeks and has gone at a restaurant once. Every other time we've left the house, he's pretty much just held it until we get home. I wish he'd learn to go when we are out, but his holding abilities are impressive!

One sweet aspect of the potty training has been Christopher's encouragement of his brother. Christopher has read countless books to Will while he sits on the potty and is eager to join in the celebration when something flush-able is produced. Lately, Christopher has been handing out stickers to Will every time he puts "big pee" or "big poop" in the potty. Christopher has to assess the product and then decrees, "Will! You get one sticker for that! Great job!"

Christopher's latest obsession is superheroes. He talks a lot about good guys and bad guys and has even categorized some toy animals he has as good animals (the tamer, farm-type animals) and bad animals (the wild ones, led by two panthers). He apparently has a movie running in his head which he stars in himself as "rescue jet." Rescue jet has many impressive features, such as a laser that shoots out hot lava to kill bad guys. He flies around, using all his abilities to rescue princesses, fairies and mermaids. (Christopher spends a lot of time with 5-year-old girls, so he knows very well about all the damsels in distress who need rescuing.) Rescue jet also gives great hugs--he simply converts his wings to "hugging arms." :)

Christopher has also started tee-ball. So far they've just been practicing--games start next week, which should be quite interesting. Christopher loves it, and he is very proud of the fact that he hasn't been tagged out. (Admittedly, his teammates are not too great at fielding the ball and throwing it to 1st base. I'm not sure anyone has been tagged out. In fact, at their last practice, some of the base runners were trying to field balls. Hilarious!)

I also feel that I should record for posterity that Christopher was stung by a bee for the first time yesterday. The poor kid sat on one and got stung right on his bottom. Boy, was that traumatic!

And of course, there is the upcoming birth of the much-anticipated baby sister. The boys are ecstatic. A few days ago, I had explained to Christopher that the baby is coming in two weeks. (I'm being induced.) Later that day, he excitedly told our pest control guy that his baby sister is coming in two weeks and "if Mommy told me it was one week, I'd be REALLY excited!!!!" This morning, Will said: "I will be gentle with the baby. I will not hurt the baby. I will share a nice animal with she. I will share the pig, because the pig is not scary." (Oh yeah, did I mention we are having issues with pronouns? He also adds an extra -ed on all past-tense verbs. "Trieded. Glueded. Playeded.")

Easter post coming soon, unless I have a baby before I get around to it! :)


Melissa said...

That is all just too cute!... Your boys are adorable!... I am glad the potty training thing is going well... and it looks like Will and Christopher are going to be amazing big brothers!

Little S said...

Glad to see you're blogging again. I can just imagine the drama after he sat on the bee. Haha!

SpeasHill said...

Two weeks and counting! Wow! I can't wait to hear what your adorable boys have to say about her when they meet her! As the baby sister of 2 brothers, I'm already praying for "she." ;)