Last week, the boys were putting on an orchestra concert. Christopher had made sheet music and turned his chair into a music stand. They brought out all the instruments, and Will was supposed to be the musician. As I was working in the kitchen, I heard Christopher tell Will over and over again, "Will, you must look at the conductor at all times!" He repeated this at least a dozen times. He also instructed Will to look at his music. Finally, I heard Christopher say resignedly, "Will, maybe someday you will learn to look at the conductor at all times."
One special talent Will has is knowing just how to push Christopher's buttons. He knows exactly what to say and will say it with a completely straight face. He loves to inform Christopher that he will "never, never share __________" (fill in the blank with whatever toy Christopher desperately wants). Last week, the boys were playing in their room when I was summoned by Will's screaming. It turns out that Christopher had asked Will to praise God with him. Will replied, "We do not praise God!" So Christopher punched him in the back. Somehow, Christopher failed to see the irony in his behavior.
Thanks to our sweet girlfriends, Christopher and Will are well-prepared for having a sister. They are surprisingly knowledgeable about the world of princesses. On Sunday, I brought Sarah Kate out in a light blue dress for church. Christopher exclaimed, "She looks just like Cinderella!" Will joined in,"She looks just like Tinkerbell!" "No," Christopher corrected him, "Tinkerbell wears green. Cinderella wears blue. She looks like Cinderella."
And one more observation from Will, when Sarah Kate was crying in her crib: "Is our baby crying? She is kinda fuzzy." Don't you love hearing the things our kids think they hear us say? :)
Oh my goodness!!! That is all just too darn cute!
You have the sweetest kids ever... so adorable!
Impressive how the younger sibling can "crush the dreams" of the elder with the power of their words. The following exchange occured just the other day in our house (though in some form, it occurs at least 2 or 3 times a day): when asked why she was sobbing, Abigail replied "Joseph said I could never sing again!!" Really? If he said it, it must be so. Wow. And yet they laugh the hardest when playing together. So glad we are not alone. Just wish ya'll were closer.
welcome to!! as always, I love reading about your children... and the photo of your sweet Sarah Kate laughing w/ big brother is too cute.
love to all,
Aunt Jeanne
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