Yesterday, Christopher wanted to help give her a bottle. I held Sarah Kate, and Christopher stood in front of me, holding the bottle in her mouth. Sarah Kate kept smiling and Christopher and laughed out loud--which made Christopher laugh, too--and she was laughing so much that you could tell they have the same laugh! Christopher was so excited and kept saying, "She laughed--for real!" We never did get her to eat while Christopher was helping because she just wouldn't stop grinning! Here is a video and some photos of Sarah Kate at 2 months old:

On June 30, the ladies from church had a Baby Blessing for Sarah Kate. It is basically a baby shower, along with a devotional and a time of prayer for the new baby. Sarah Kate's grandmothers and Aunt Laura were able to be there, which made it extra special. Becky opened up her home to us, and Lynette gave a terrific devotional. It was a wonderful evening! Thank you, ladies of TGC!
We had a fun, two-day celebration of the 4th of July this year. On Friday night, we went to Arvest Ballpark for an orchestra concert and fireworks. Thanks to Uncle Garland, we enjoyed the Johnson & Johnson suite with him, Aunt Laura and Caroline, as well as Nana, Granddad, Grandma, Grandpa and Nana and Granddad's friends. On Saturday, we went to the pool and then had a cookout with some friends.
Caroline with her flag:
Will loved wearing Caroline's hat:
Sarah Kate and Uncle Garland: