Sunday, September 18, 2011

Sarah Kate--28 months

Now that she's two, she doesn't get monthly posts anymore.  But I suppose it's time I give an update on our quickly growing Sarah Kate.  Oh yeah, she's two.  She has mastered the tantrums, the bossiness, the whining, and the strong opinions on clothing, shoes and accessories.  She refuses to wear jeans and rejected shoes at Target recently because they weren't "princess shoes."  She loves to wear tights, bracelets, and bows.  She even let me paint her toenails a few weeks ago and sat still until they dried.  But she has two older brothers, so she can also be spotted wearing backwards baseball caps, Iron Man masks, and wielding swords and light sabers.

She's getting really good at counting and knowing some of her letters.  She is learning some of their sounds, but she usually says every letter says "buh."  She will mimic her brother learning to read, pretending to sound out words by looking at the pictures and saying "buh-buh-lion!  buh-buh-monkey!"  She also loves to sing "Jesus Loves Me," and her little singing voice is so sweet.  She says "yes" most of the time instead of "yeah."  She says it with the slightest lisp that makes it so adorable.  And she is currently obsessed with her colored counting bears.  She will sit and play with them in her high chair for hours!

In August, I came home from the store one day with a pretty pink princess potty.  I bribed her with candy, and Sarah Kate peed in the potty that very evening.  She was so proud of herself!  The next morning, Daddy took off her diaper and sent her in the bathroom.  She said down sleepily on the potty like she'd been doing it for years and went pee!  But this time, she stood up before she was done and didn't like the mess that resulted.  That was the end of that!  Even princesses and candy can't get her to sit on the potty now.

The other day, I heard water running in the bathroom and went to investigate.  Sarah Kate had taken the princess potty apart and had it in the sink, with water everywhere.  I said, "What are you doing?" and she answered truthfully, "Making a mess!"  She later told Daddy she was cleaning the potty. It was very diligent of her, since she hasn't been using it!

A few weeks ago, I realized that Sarah Kate's hair is just long enough for me to french braid part of it.  It is so much fun having a girl!  She doesn't usually hold still long enough for a braid, but she is wearing part of it in a ponytail with a bow.  She calls the rubber bands "silly bands" (remember those big brothers?).  One day I tried to tell her it was a hair band, but she corrected me:  "No!  My silly band!"  Did I mention she's opinionated?

Below is a video of Sarah Kate singing her catechism song--"Where is God?  everywhere," and "Jesus Loves Me."  

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