Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Let's pretend it's 2011.

I think this blog is having an identity crisis.  Facebook has replaced it's job of keeping out-of-state relatives in touch with what the kids are doing.  The yearly photo books I'm making for each kid are replacing it's job of documenting holidays, birthdays, first days of school, and vacations.  But neither of those are a very good record of the little things--those hilarious questions they ask and things they do that make us laugh.  So I will try to continue posting those here occasionally for the six people who read this blog, but mostly to have a record of them for the kids.  They love to hear about themselves!

So yes, we've had birthdays, piano recitals, last days of school, first days of school, vacations, swim lessons, summer camps, etc.  We had a great time with all of it!  But today I'm going to document some things from Fall 2011.  Yes, I know this is 2012.  But I found a list the other day on my computer of things I meant to blog about a year ago.  I guess I'm a little behind on the ol' to-do list.  So here are some random thoughts from Fall 2011.

Sarah Kate loves telling everyone she meets, "I'm two!"  She went pee in the potty on August 22, and was so excited to call Grandma and say, "I pee in the potty!  I big girl like momma!"  She lost interest the next day when she peed on her leg and got upset about the mess!  She loves taking care of her baby dolls, telling them, "You are so precious!" and reading to them and changing their diapers.  Sarah Kate has a special high voice that she uses when she's talking to her babies.  She loves to wear bracelets and bows, and always picks her "party dress" if given a choice.  She is freakishly good at singing complicated tunes on pitch.  And my favorite thing she loves to say:  "I love momma!"  

The boys love it when I use my "automated Mommy" voice.  We usually do this when I'm combing their hair in the morning.  I sound like one of those voice-activated computer-generated phone menus and say things like:  "I am now going to comb your hair.  This will only take a minute.  Thank you for your cooperation."  They crack up every time!  

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