Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Sarah Kate--4 months old

At 4 months old, Sarah Kate is really adding to her list of tricks! She can roll over both ways and hold up her head to look all around when on her tummy. She is getting good at using her hands to grab and hold toys. Unfortunately, she also likes to grab her bow and pull her headband down around her eyes or her mouth, so no more bows for now!

She is still very social and smiles all the time. She also laughs and coos a lot. She is so much fun to have around! My favorite moment every morning is when I wake her up (yes, I have to wake her up!) and put her on the changing table. She sleepily opens her eyes, sees my face, and breaks into a huge grin! It makes my day every time.

At her 4 month check-up, she weighed 12 pounds, 10 ounces (25th percentile) and was over 25 inches long (75th percentile). She's another long, skinny Henley baby!

Here's her newest rolling over trick:

And her nightly giggle-fest with Mommy--if you laugh at her, she'll laugh back!

1 comment:

Karen Phillips said...

awwww...so cute!! there's not much better than the sound of baby laughter! she's such a happy baby:)