Sunday, March 14, 2010

A Job, A Problem, and "Don't Tell Mom!"

Last month, I took all three kids to the pediatrician for well check-ups.  Our pediatrician is wonderful about talking to the boys and finding out about what they're interested in, etc.  She asked Will if he had any chores at home.  He answered, "I don't have any chores, but I have a job and a problem."  Of course, she said she'd like to hear about his job and his problem.  He told her that his job was to keep Sarah Kate awake in the car.  (Yep, that's a pretty frequent assignment.)  And his problem?  "Yesterday after we went somewhere, my Grandpa gave me something to eat and it was very sour."  The day before, Grandpa had been given some pickled beets by a co-worker, and he had the boys try them.  I guess it was traumatic for poor Will!

Around the same time, I was driving somewhere with the kids, and Will was sitting next to Sarah Kate in the middle seat of the van.  I heard him say, "Christopher, don't tell Mom . . . I just put spit on Sarah Kate!"  I said, "Will!  I'm right here, and I can hear you!  You may not put spit on your sister!"  Will replied, "No, Mom, you can't hear me.  I wasn't talking to you."  Ah, the logic of a 4-year-old in trouble.