Thursday, July 1, 2010

Cooking Shows

Today as Sarah Kate was playing with her kitchen toys (ok, they're mine, she doesn't have a play kitchen yet, poor thing), Christopher hatched the idea to film a cooking show.  And since we were home all day waiting for someone to puke (because Will had the night before), I was just desperate enough for entertainment that I let him waste a fruit cup and 1/2 cup milk on this little project.  Of course, Will had to follow in his footsteps, so it ended up being 2 fruit cups and 1 cup milk.  Anyway, here are all three kids' cooking videos.  They can get a little slow, but I find them entertaining! And in case you are wondering, we did eat "fruit cup dip" with tortilla chips at dinner tonight.

1 comment:

Jenny said...

LOL! Christopher's dip looks...yummy??? I am uber impressed that he knows to use spoons to stir and spatulas to fold. Jamie Oliver better watch out!