Wednesday, September 1, 2010

First day--First grade!

Christopher started 1st grade last week.  He was sick for the first day of school, and he was so devastated!  But he was able to make it for the second day of school.  His teacher is fabulous, and he is enjoying all his subjects.  He also liked the upgrade from kindergarten:  no rest time!  And the most exciting thing about the first day of first grade?

"Mom!  At math, she had a light, and it shone a clear math worksheet on the WALL."

Yep, the overhead projector.

Here's pictures from our "first" day of school:

1 comment:

Melissa said...

He's looking so big! Yay for an overhead!

I don't know what Hayden will do at nap time. He hasn't napped in over a year and a half. He does rest time in his room, but I don't know how that will translate in a classroom setting. It will definitely be interesting.