Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Sarah Kate--18 months

A year and a half old already!  I can't believe it.  Sarah Kate loves to talk and sing.  Her favorite songs are the ABC's (which she sings "dee dee dee" but with a pretty good tune), the Itsy Bitsy Spider (often requested on the changing table), and Holy, Holy, Holy.  (See video below.)  She understands a lot of language and will obey when we tell her to do something or put something back where she got it.  She answers almost every question with "no," but sometimes she'll nod her head "yes."

Sarah Kate loves to play with her kitchen and her dolls and, of course, with shoes.  She loves to climb on things and has learned to climb into the van and onto the dining room chairs (especially if her brothers leave Halloween candy where she can reach it!).  She can point to her ear, eyes, nose (usually sticking her finger into her nostril), mouth, hair, hands and feet.  (See video.)  She can often been found wandering around the house with her toothbrush and toothpaste, waiting for someone to brush her teeth!  Such a silly girl!

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