Sunday, July 10, 2011

Sarah Kate's 2nd Birthday Party

We finally got around to having Sarah Kate's birthday party in June.  Sweet Sarah Kate didn't know how late her party was!  We were happy to have family and friends over for a Very Hungry Caterpillar party.  The party was inspired by the most adorable dress ever from this Etsy shop.  We did a caterpillar craft  and played a game where the kids wrapped Noel and I up in toilet paper cocoons.  The game was a huge hit!  Who knew a couple of rolls of toilet paper could be so fun?!?

I made a caterpillar out of cupcakes, and I served all the foods the caterpillar ate in the book.  I was surprised at how much people loved salami.  Sarah Kate had fun playing with her friends and being the center of attention.  She spent the next few days saying, "Happy birthday!"

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