First of all, I finally captured Sarah Kate rolling over on video. She starts out on her tummy, then holds her head up high in the air. Then she leans her head to the side, her body follows, and she flips over. Usually she has a pretty shocked look on her face, but I think she's gotten used to it. And I'm 95% sure that today she rolled over from her back to her tummy. The poor third child, I can't remember for sure, but I think I put her on her back to play but found her on her tummy after helping Will with something. Here's the tummy to back roll:
A few weeks ago, Christopher's Sunday school teacher gave him a CD with the books of the Old Testament and New Testament set to music. The kids LOVE it and often request that we keep it on repeat in the car, over and over and over again. Here's the result:
(The New Testament is still a little shaky.)
And just look at my big girl holding up her head! She loves to play on her tummy and watch the rest of us wherever we go in the room. For some reason, this pose always looks like they are getting so old. Stop, time, stop. My baby's growing too fast!
sarah kate does look just like you! and i still sing those songs to myself when i'm trying to find an obscure book of the bible, so it will serve them well. :)
You're a better mom than me. I all but banned that Bible books cd because I couldn't take it any more. :)
I think Sarah Kate looks so much like you - so cute!
sarah kate does look just like you! and i still sing those songs to myself when i'm trying to find an obscure book of the bible, so it will serve them well. :)
I also still sing my books of the Bible song when I can't find something. Good job boys!!
Oh my goodness!!! Your kids are just so gosh darn cute!!!
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