After getting dressed in his uniform (which he declared his love for--we'll see how long that lasts!) and eating breakfast, we had a time of prayer with him and took some photos.
Then it was off to school! Of course, we were early and had to wait in the hallway for awhile with all the other eager beavers.
Finally, Mrs. Moore called for her class and his moment had arrived! We went to his classroom, put his stuff away, grabbed a quick photo with Mrs. Moore, and then he took his seat. He looked so big sitting there in a real kindergarten classroom. It just about broke my heart to leave, but I did--after one trip back to take two more photos from the doorway and wave one last time. I managed to leave with dry eyes (mostly) but boo-hooed later when I looked at the photos I had taken that morning.
Will also had a tough time adjusting to Christopher's new school life. That morning when we were on our way to a friend's house, Will yelled from the backseat, "Look, Christopher, horses!" and then glumly looked over at the empty booster seat next to him. Will was so eager as we waited in the pick-up line that afternoon and asked a million times when Christopher was going to get in our van. When Christopher finally arrived, Will said, "Christopher, I missed you while you were with Mrs. Moore!" At that moment, I was SO thankful that Christopher will be going to school 2 days a week and at home with us the other days. Their friendship is so precious.
Christopher's first day of school was definitely a success. He loved art and Latin, and he spent the rest of the afternoon and evening reminding us that he can say "wet" and "dry" in Latin. He was intrigued by the concept of taking a hall pass to the bathroom, a big change from the designated potty break times of preschool years. In fact, Christopher did not use the potty all day. That would be 10 hours by the time I realized that he had not used the potty at school and made him go! I think he didn't want to miss anything, but I have given him strict instructions to use the potty at some point tomorrow!
How exciting! That is too funny about the potty breaks. My nephew started 1st grade today (first full day school!), and he woke his parents up at 6, fully dressed in his uniform. I love their enthusiasm! Sounds like you did well today, too, mom. That has to be hard and wonderful at the same time.
That is a long time to not go potty! WOW!
Christopher looks SO happy! That is wonderful... and Will missing his brother... absolutely adorable!
I am glad things went so well...!
M- he looks sooooo cute...I can't believe that he is already in kindergarden! Now you can give me some pointers when Sam starts next year (one of them being to take some pictures! :) Love you much and will call soon so we can catch up!
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