Sunday, April 3, 2011

Famous Will Quotes

Will has a way of making us laugh non-stop.  But sometimes, one of his lines really cracks me up.  Here are some from the past few months . . .

"Christopher always loves me.  It's like Jesus loves me, except it's Christopher loves me."

In answer to the question, "What scares you?":  "Predators.  But not predators that are mammals.  If it were a predator that looked like a mouse, I would just step on it."

Reporting on his first tee-ball practice:  "I got to bat twice.  And I did short stop.  That's where you just stand there."

To his nanny, Penny:  "Will you marry me?" . . . she said yes! . . . "As long as you don't snap my underwear!"

From his PCCA entrance exam, answering the question, "Tell us three interesting things about you":  1. "My top jaw is way back there."  2.  "Your brain is a tiny bit smaller than your fists."  3.  "When I have coughs, they are really big."

1 comment:

The "W" Family said...

ahhh, Will is so cute and funny! love the quotes!