Thursday, April 7, 2011

Sarah Kate--23 months

Sarah Kate is almost two!  Her language continues to flourish, and she has a lot to say.  It's so fun now that we can actually understand most of it!  Whenever she gets hurt, she quickly says, "I'm okay!"  She's also said, "I'm a mess!"  She notices when her brothers are a mess, too, and tries to clean them up.  The other day, Will was meowing at her during lunch, and she turned into such a little mother.  She tried shushing him, and when that didn't work she said emphatically, "Eat!  Eat!"  We've also noticed that she calls herself something that sounds like "Kate Kate."  Too cute!

With the spring weather, Sarah Kate has enjoyed playing outside.  She loves to run around and draw on the driveway with sidewalk chalk.  I can't believe she is big enough to ride this little scooter that we got for Will a few years ago!

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