Monday, October 12, 2009

Sarah Kate--5 months old

Technically, Sarah Kate is closer to 6 months at this point than 5 months, but let's turn back the clock and pretend . . . Sarah Kate is so much fun at 5 months! She still loves to smile, laugh and coo. She also says fun words like "glaaahh!" She loves to lay on her back and play with her feet. She loves having a bath. She is starting to notice when I leave the room and often protests. She loves playing with her new baby doll and other toys in her crib when she wakes up from her nap.

We recently started a new adventure--rice cereal. The boys were so excited, and Christopher can't wait for her to really get the hang of it so he can feed her. She did great the first night, finishing the whole bowl. But most of it has ended up on her bib since then. We're not giving up . . . if she only knew that once she masters this, she gets to move on to sweet potatoes, I think she'd be a little more motivated!

And just because she looked so cute last Sunday in her dress and her boots . . .


Ashley said...

I think she looks like you! It's surprisingly fun to have a little girl, isn't it? I can't believe Annelise will be at that stage so soon. I really need a pause button. Sigh.

Marissa said...

If you find the pause button, let me know! :)

Little S said...

I love how enthralled the boys are with her rice eating adventure. :)